Schrader Elementary School
Principal: Lee-Anne Keith (formerly – Yerkey)
11041 Little Road
New Port Richey, FL 34654
Phone: (727) 774-5900
Fax: (727) 774-5991
New School Hours 9:10- 3:20
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SES Literacy Week
Second Pasco Pathways School Choice Application Window to Open April 15
"The Pasco County Schools school choice application window will open on Monday, April 15, at 8 a.m., and close on Friday, April 19, at 4:30 p.m. This second application window is for families who may have missed the January window or who have recently moved to Pasco...

Math Virtual Parent night
Florida’s B.E.S.T Standards for Mathematics Virtual Parent Night Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6 p.m – 7 p.m. Please R.S.V.P. at the link below: Florida’s B.E.S.T Standards for Mathematics K-12 Parent Night